Mocberg in a nutshell

Mocberg is a trading company dedicated to facilitating two-way trade between Egypt and the world.

We work with producers in Egypt exporting to international markets and cooperate globally with importers seeking high-quality products at competitive prices. We are committed to supporting ethical and sustainable business practices.

At Mocberg, we focus on three main product categories: fresh, dried, frozen or packaged fruits & vegetables, herbs & spices and consumer goods.

Our team strives to match producers and buyers pursuing longterm business cooperation. With on-the-ground presence and network in Egypt and Germany, we directly cater to our business partners’ needs providing them with unparalleled and reliable access to trade opportunities.

Fresh, Dried, Frozen or Packaged Fruits & Vegetables

Mocberg’s first product category is fruits & vegetables. Our team works closely with local farmers and producers to ensure our clients receive produce tailored to their needs and specifications. We offer a wide variety of produce such as citrus fruits, strawberries, potatoes, a wide spectrum of dried vegetables, etc. Our packaged food portfolio range from artichokes, jams, pickles … etc. We are on continuous pursuit to expand the breadth and depth of our portfolio.

What sets us apart is our commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing. We work with conventional producers yet prioritize working with certified suppliers (Bio, organic, etc.) who adhere to environmentally-friendly farming, operate in pesticide free zones and treat their people fairly.

Herbs & Spices

Mocberg’s second product category is herbs & spices.

Wether bio/organic or conventional, we enjoy high penetration levels in the egyptian market and are connected to a wide range of producers with experience in international trade.

We offer a wide variety of herbs & spices including but not limited to majoram, dill, onion, chamomile, coriander, parsley, spearmint, peppermint, moringa, etc.

Consumer Goods

Mocberg's third product category is consumer goods, which includes items such as cookware, glassware, textiles, etc.

At Mocberg we adhere to rigorous quality control to ensure products meet international standards.

Additionally, Mocberg has established strong partnerships with top national manufacturers in Egypt, who strive to offer competitive prices and a wide portfolio of quality products.

Get in touch with us to explore trade opportunities